June's loons have arrived!


June's Loons have arrived in style at the EarthFair Store!

We cannot thank June Malaka enough for donating such a priceless work of art to the Loon Foundation! Her beautiful stained glass 'Loon Family' brings a poignant and meaningful new perspective to our new EarthFair Store, and the colourful light from this window will always shine down on the staff and customers and brighten up all our days.

The installation is so timely as the loons have just arrived back on our local lakes here and over the past few days they have been yodelling and tremeloing away in celebration of their return.

The time and effort that June has put into this amazing work of art is simply astounding and we are so privileged to be the recipients of this tremendously generous gift.

Of course, we should not forget the hours that her assistant, John Field, has put into making the frame and overseeing the installation. And while we are on that subject, we would also like to thank our brilliant carpenter, Sunny Mountain Bute, for creating the most beautiful hemlock and fir doorway - which is an absolute pleasure to open, close and walk through!

What better way to welcome our brilliant supporters and customers to our talented local artisans, and to bring a smile to so many faces!

We look forward to seeing you all soon and hopefully we will be able to have an official opening ceremony before too long.

Thank you, June, John and Sunny for making our lives so much brighter!
