Nature Therapy Gardens at the EarthFair Store

Renovations at the new EarthFair Store continue, as we begin our work transforming the undeveloped backyard into a native plant garden and community gathering space! The Nature Therapy Gardens will be a hub for community members to gather and relax in downtown Madeira Park, and provide a site for various community activities such as nature school programs, workshops, and arts and cultural events. The space will feature new landscaping including a retaining wall, large lawn, and native and medicinal flora. Ample picnic tables and benches, as well as a stage for performances, will be built and installed by some of our skilled volunteers. Local artist Emily Gray will be painting two impressive murals on the back wall of the store, facing the gardens. There will be plenty of space to safely gather as a community, enjoy activities and events, and take in the beautiful surroundings!

This project has been made possible thanks to our many dedicated volunteers and a generous $15,000 grant received from the Island Coastal Economic Trust!

The Nature Therapy Gardens are expected to be completed by July 18th.
